Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Architectural Illustration

This Architectural Illustration features a "Shotgun House" and can be found in New Orleans, LA. These homes are narrow and usually no more than 12 feet wide with three to five rooms. It was the most popular style of home in the South from the end of the Civil War through to the 1920's. There is a theory that this New Orleans style home is traced from African and Haitian influences and also became a symbol of poverty in the 1950's.

When searching this style home you will find many creatively painting and decorated homes that add charm and uniqueness to their existence.

One theory of the origin of the term "Shotgun House" is that a shotgun could be fired through the front door and clear out the back door. Several variations of this style home exist. Original versions were built without indoor plumbing but have since been modified to include these features.

"Double barrel" Shotgun homes are side by side with a common wall and "Camelback" Shotgun homes have a second floor on the back of the home.

Value Portrait

The Value Portrait project consisted of utilizing a simple process to copy and paste text of various values. The assignment involved trying different size and style fonts in addition to manipulating the kearning and leading of the various words and letters to create the correct results. The Area Text Tool was used. I started with the dark area and ended with the light areas.

Line Portrait

The Line Portrait project involved creating an image while using the Type on Path Tool and Pen Tool. Different size text and different style fonts were used. The line was originally created and then the text was placed on the line. The original photo used for this project is of my daughter and I. I selected the quote, "How Do I Love Thee?...Let Me Count The Ways."

Shape Portrait

The Shape Portrait Project's goal was to create a portrait based entirely on manipulating various size and style fonts in Adobe Illustrator to create an image. I chose a picture of myself I think that the final result turned out to be a little bit scary due to the choices I made when designing the eyes.

Starbucks Logo Project

The re-design of the Starbucks Logo was a group project that required research on the interesting origin of the Starbucks logo. It also taught the importance of logos and that they should be distinctive, have good visibility, be useable, be memorable, have universal appeal, be durable and lastly, be timeless. The group decided to return to a design similar to "The Siren" woodcut originally used as the first Starbucks logo. The Siren image was imported into Adobe Illustrator using Live Paint, Live Trace and she was edited to give a more streamlined, modern look. The font and color of the logo design was not changed much from what is being currently used.

Experience New Orleans Website Project

This project was to design and develop a New Orleans Website Interface in Photoshop. The city was researched along with colors, fonts, themes and points of interests. The website was to be easily navigated and the text was designed to be easy to read.

Dreamscape Project

The main focus of the dreamscape project was to grasp the concept of Surrealism. The thought behind my project was based on a Dreamscape featuring timeless circus freaks and sideshows. I incorporated the modern day freak show star Johnny Knoxville onto the unicycle to add a modern element. The original stage photo had a slight grain to it so all of the pictures that I imported into Photoshop were given the same grainy appearance.